
Thursday, September 26, 2013

First of the Last

There is seriously so much to be thankful for!

1. Celebrating the beginning of a new school year with CCM brothers & sisters by going bowling.
2. Celebrating a dear sister's 21st birthday, God's 21 years+ of faithfulness to her, and trying (but failing) to be sneaky in order to surprise her.
3. The first day of Fall (my second favorite season!) this past Sunday and ushering in sweater weather, scarf season (yeee!), and all foods pumpkin, cinnamon, and brown sugar flavored.
4. Today is the first day of classes back at UC Irvine and campus is bustling with life and energy as clubs continue to booth and students scurry on to their respective classes.
5. But probably most exciting of all is (drumroll, please): today is my last ever first day of undergraduate life! Praise the Lord that I was able to wake up early and spend some time in prayer and His Word before the day started. I am incredibly nervous and excited (but more so nervous) for what this year will bring and what God will do. 21 MORE WEEKS BEFORE I GRADUATE! o:

And to celebrate such wonderful happenings, I baked some chocolate chip cookies and brewed some of Trader Joe's amazingly delicious Pumpkin Spice Coffee! No more running to Starbucks or Peet's for Pumpkin Spice Lattes and shelling out at least $4 per drink -- yay for yumminess and frugality!

I am looking forward to many things this year, one of them being that I might take full advantage of being surrounded by non-Christians on campus and share the Gospel with them. In my first class, I was able to share with my introduction partner about going to Honduras while we shared our recent summer vacations. How cool, right? I can already see how God is making available countless opportunities to share His love and it's only the first day! I pray that I might grow a greater heart for UCI this year. There are so many lost souls that desperately need to hear of God's great love and mercy! I hope to not take such opportunities for granted and really take the time to invest in my non-believing friends. Please keep me accountable! :o)

"Blessed is the one you choose and bring near,
to dwell in your courts!
We shall be satisfied with the goodness of your house,
the holiness of your temple!" [Psalm 65:4]

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